I offer here a few old recordings of songs mostly taken from the 1941 Seventh-day Adventist Church Hymnal.

These were among the earliest recordings I made (about 30 years ago), and were recorded in multiple tracks using two tape decks. They are mostly Guitar instrumentals, at times using various open tunings (and unfortunately, I no longer have the tablature for these songs).

I tried to concentrate on songs that were leaning more towards the Adventist message.

The last seven songs in this section were taken from the International Seminar 2000 of the Sabbath Rest Advent Church. There are four popular hymns (And Can It Be That I Should Gain?, Count Your Blessings, I Am Thine, O Lord, How Firm a Foundation), two special arrangements performed by men’s choir (Precious Memories, There Was No Room), and one farewell song (Be Happy).

4 Comments on 1941: SDA Church Hymnal

  1. Asnake Shimels Manyazewal says:

    My wife Munit and I Asnake are from Ethiopia and worship at Mission Hope Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Mission, Texas. We both enjoyed and enjoying practicapoetica ministry. We are very grateful of what you do for the Lord. I found you while searching for ATJ & EJW the faith of Jesus articles. Blessings to you and your ministry. Maranatha.

  2. Alphonce Dete says:

    In him am deeply rooted in trust in the most high God

  3. Alphonce Dete says:

    In him am deeply rooted

  4. Colline Odhiambo says:

    Well, keep trusting on the unchangeable God

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