1. Lift up the trumpet, and loud let it ring:
    Jesus is coming again!
Cheer up, ye pilgrims, be joyful and sing:
    Jesus is coming again!

Coming again, coming again,
Jesus is coming again!

2. Echo it, hilltops; proclaim it, ye plains:
    Jesus is coming again!
Coming in glory, the Lamb that was slain;
    Jesus is coming again!

3. Heavings of earth tell the vast, wond’ring throng:
    Jesus is coming again!
Tempests and whirlwinds, the anthem prolong;
    Jesus is coming again!

4. Nations are angry by this we do know:
    Jesus is coming again!
Knowledge increases; men run to and fro;
    Jesus is coming again!

5. Glorious angel is lighting the world:
    Jesus is coming again!
God’s sabbath rest is the banner unfurl’d;
    Jesus is coming again!


Instrumental – Sampled Sounds


MP3 – Instrumental PDF PNG

When Jesus, king of all the universe, came to this planet for the first time, 2000 years ago, He was received by almost nobody. A few shepherds in the fields were talking about Him, and some wise men from among the Gentile nations were searching in what prophetic writings they had access to.

His own nation, who should have been ready to herald His appearance as the most important event in the history of the world, were busy with their own ideas and plans about God’s kingdom. These ideas were so far different from the heavenly Father’s ideas, that they did not understand nor appreciate Him whom their prophets had looked forward to with intense longing.

The situation is not too much different today. Certainly, every church has a doctrine about the “second coming of Christ” just as the Jews in Jesus’ time had a doctrine about the “coming of the Messiah.” But as it was then, these ideas are so far different from the heavenly Father’s ideas, that this event is not being prepared for, nor heralded in such a way that would prepare people for it. Instead, they are quite unready for that everlasting kingdom.

Nevertheless, God has given messages to prepare His people, just as He sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for the first coming. These messages are outlined in Revelation chapter 14, and 18. And the angels from heaven are just as ready to cooperate with those who are longing for the Messiah, as they were at His birth in Bethlehem.

I added one more verse to the end of this song to make the point clear that it is not merely external events and signs that proclaim the nearness of the Saviour’s coming, but the messages He sends to prepare His people, and make them ready to participate in the closing scenes of the great controversy.


2 Comments on Lift Up the Trumpet

  1. IRMA GRAHAM says:

    I am grateful to be here tonight
    I am grateful to learn the NEW WAYS of CALVARY
    I am grateful to be a follower or JESUS CHRIST
    by the teaching of the WORD

  2. Roicy Mathukutela says:

    Powerful hymns and history encourages

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