1. I saw one weary, sad, and torn,
    With eager steps press on the way,
Who long the hallowed cross had borne,
    Still looking for the promised day;
While many lines of grief and care,
    Upon his brow, were furrowed there;
I asked what buoyed his spirits up,
    “O this!” said he, “The blessed hope!”

2. And one I saw, with sword and shield,
    Who boldly braved the world’s cold frown,
And fought, unyielding, on the field,
    To win an everlasting crown.
Though worn with toil, oppressed by foes,
    No murmur from his heart arose;
I asked what buoyed his spirits up,
    “O this!” said he, “The blessed hope!”

3. And there was one who left behind
    The cherished friends of early years,
And honor, pleasure, wealth resigned,
    To tread the path bedewed with tears.
Through trials deep and conflicts sore,
    Yet still a smile of joy he wore;
I asked what buoyed his spirits up,
    “O this!” said he, “The blessed hope!”

4. While pilgrims here we journey on
    In this dark vale of sin and gloom,
Through tribulation, hate, and scorn,
    Or through the portals of the tomb,
Till our returning King shall come
    To take His exile captives home,
O! what can buoy the spirits up?
    ‘Tis this alone, the blessed hope!


Instrumental – Sampled Sounds


MP3 – Instrumental PDF PNG

This song often goes by the title “I Saw One Weary”, but I thought “The Blessed Hope” was more fitting. The text is from Annie Smith.

The Companion to the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal gives the following information about this hymn:

The first three stanzas of this hymn, written in 1852, refer to three outstanding personalities in the early history of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

The author, Annie Rebekah Smith was converted by Joseph Bates, who is referred to in the first stanza.

The second stanza is a word picture of James White.

The third stanza has often been thought to refer to J.N.Andrews. However at the time of the writing of this hymn he was not so well known. It could not refer to Annie’s brother Uriah Smith for he was not a Sabbath keeper at that time. Annie’s mother said that it referred to Annie herself who chose masculine pronouns for consistency and perhaps to avoid the appearance of pride and self assertiveness which were foriegn to her character.

Annie was quite willing to have it refer to anyone whom it might fit.

The melody, Duane Street, was composed in 1835 by George Coles, a Methodist Minister. It was named after the Duane Street church where he served.

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1 Comment on The Blessed Hope

  1. Sosia Mudavadi says:

    Very insightful about our Hope. Faith of Our Fathers. O Lord Come!

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