1. The heights by great men reached and kept
    Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
    Were rising up before the light.

2. We rise by things beneath our feet;
    By mastery of good and gain;
By vanquished ills we hourly meet,
    By pride deposed and passion slain.

3. All common things, each day’s events,
    That with the hour begin and end,
Our pleasures and our discontents,
    Are rounds by which we may ascend.


Instrumental – Sampled Sounds

Congregation – from Germany

MP3 – Group (from Germany)

MP3 – Instrumental PDF PNG

The text is from a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, which is quoted in the book Education, by Ellen G. White, chapter 34, “Discipline”.

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4 Comments on The Heights by Great Men Reached

  1. K Miller says:

    This does need to be attributed properly to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow! The quote is from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow “Ladder of St. Augustine.”

    • practic2300 says:

      Thanks for your comments! I fixed the type and reduced your comment to one single one, which contains everything you said. When I started this website, many years ago, I had originally intended to add comments and attributions to all the songs. But I ran out of time, and the bulk of my effort now goes to the prophecy/gospel website: practicaprophetica.com Perhaps someday in the future, I will again add some more material to this site, as poetry and music are still important vessels for the expression of gratitude to God through humanity.

  2. Dr Austin E. Vernon, SR says:

    This is superbly phenomenal. This has been my motto from a very early stage of my youth. Today by it I survive. Conversely, I have managed to conquer my desire. Noblier than this is Heavenly.
    Dr. Vernon

    • practic2300 says:

      Thanks for your comment, Dr. Vernon. I should have put some notes on this song. The text is quoted in the book Education, in chapter 34, “Discipline”. It was from a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The tune was written by a brother in Switzerland, Martin Hochstrasser, who also wrote many of the other tunes in the “Scripture Songs,” and “Texts from Ellen White” sections.

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