For though we walk in the flesh,
We do not war after the flesh:
For the weapons of our warfare
Are not carnal but mighty through God
To the pulling down of strongholds,
To the pulling down of strongholds;
Casting down imaginations,
And ev’ry high thing
That exalts itself
Against the knowledge of God,
And bringing in captivity
Ev’ry thought to the obedience of Christ,
And bringing in captivity
Ev’ry thought to the obedience of Christ.
Instrumental – Sampled Sounds
MP3 – Instrumental | PNG | |
TXT | SIB7 / SIB3 | SVG |
The promises of the Bible are clear and transparent:
2 Corinthians 1
20 For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.
They do not waver, when it comes to the matter of obedience and living victorious over sin, unlike many of the so-called Christian teachings of our day, which are nothing more than dressed up excuses for sin, and little better than the “indulgences” sold by the Catholic Church.
Promises of forgiveness of sins, when those sins are not overcome, are as worthless as the indulgence papers of yesterday.
The Bible text that this song is written about makes it clear that the weapons by which we fight against sin are not those in our flesh. They are the weapons of the Word of God, and therefore, there is no reason why anyone may not experience all that they promise.
They promise victory not over just external actions, but also over every imagination and thought “that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.” These mighty promises certify that every thought will be “brought into the obedience of Christ.” This is the awesome height of experience that is available to every truly repentant soul! Then do not settle for less.
The fact that most who claim to be Christians do not achieve this kind of experience shows how scarce real faith is amongst us in these times. Millions believe they are “saved” but do not have this experience, and therefore they are simply deluded, led astray by the sayings of false ministers who comfort them in their sins.
It is high time again for Christians to build upon the Word of God only, and forsake the sayings of men. Let Atheists see the “evidence” of our God and His salvation, through it’s power working in our lives.
i am so sorry. I never intended to offend you or anyone else. Please forgive me.
You didn’t offend me. I left your original comment on the site, but removed the link to the book, as anyone can “google” for it. That’s all I meant about not using the comments to advertise. If your book was in harmony with the gospel that I believe, I would have no problem linking to it. But I can’t say, as it has to be purchased. It would be nice if you offered a freely downloadable copy, or at least sent one first for preview.
You should check out my book called “The Weapons of Our Warfare: God’s Arsenal for Victorious Living”.
I wouldn’t want to discourage anyone who is sincere in warring against sin, but it’s not that polite to make a comment on another website with the sole purpose of advertising your book.
Now if the book was free, so we could download it and see what it taught, that wouldn’t be so bad. But since the book is only available via purchase, there is no easy way to check it out.
As far as dealing with the sin problem at it’s root, God has given a very clear answer in the book Freedom from Sin which can be freely downloaded and perused. This is the message that worked for me, after trying many others which did not work.