1. Our Lord is coming back, the call resounds, “Awake!”
    There is no time for sleeping or delaying.
The time has come already to complete the work,
    For Christ is calling, for Christ is calling; is calling;
The time has come already to complete the work,
    For Christ is calling.

2. We’re fitted with the weapons of new hearts and minds,
To fight against the Babylonian power.
Awake the time has come to bring an end to sin,
    For Christ is calling, for Christ is calling;
Awake the time has come to bring an end to sin,
    For Christ is calling.

3. In unity with Christ, we have new strength and pow’r,
    To overcome the world, the flesh, the devil.
Let’s seek to be made perfect in this judgment hour,
    For Christ is calling, for Christ is calling;
Let’s seek to be made perfect in this judgment hour,
    For Christ is calling.

4. Arise and shine, like glorious New Jerusalem;
    The whole creation waits for your appearing.
The glory of our God must be revealed through men,
    The Saviour’s calling, the Saviour’s calling;
The character of Christ will shine on earth again,
    The Saviour’s calling.


Instrumental – Sampled Sounds

Congregation – sung in Ukrainian

Female solo – sung in Ukrainian

Source of the Tune – Voices and Orchestra (this is the ukrainian melody that this hymn was based on)

MP3 – Congregation (sung in Ukrainian)
MP3 – Female solo (sung in Ukrainian)
MP3 – Source of the Tune

MP3 – Instrumental PDF PNG

Matthew 25
6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

Song of Solomon 4
16 Awake, O north wind; and come, you south; blow upon my garden, that the spices may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.

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2 Comments on Christ is Calling

  1. Frank Kwakye Boahen says:

    I thank God for a great impact your ministry has had on my life. I have read several softcopies of your wonderful literature including Unfolding the Law, Acceptable Confession and others. I would be glad if your ministry would provide me hardcopies of your literature. Thank you.

    • practic2300 says:

      Sorry, I don’t have any hard copies. We are working mainly on digital copies now. Perhaps sometime in the future, someone will have a burden to do the hard copies.

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