Instrumentation: Guitars, Voices, Recorders
Time: 2:39
Download: Music (mp3) | Score (png)

1. Great Redeemer, friend of sinners,
    Thou hast wond’rous power to save;
Grant me grace, and still protect me,
    Over life’s tempestuous wave;
My my soul, with sacred transport,
    View the dawn while yet afar;
And until the sun arises,
    Lead me by the morning star.

2. O what madness! O what folly!
    That my heart should go astray;
After vain and foolish trifles,
    Trifles only of a day!
This vain world with all its pleasures,
    Soon, alas! will be no more:
There’s no object worth admiring,
    But the God whom we adore.

3. See the happy spirits waiting
    On the banks beyond the stream.
Sweet responses still repeating,
    “Jesus! Jesus!” is their theme:
Hark! they whisper, lo! they call me,
    “Sister spirit, come away!”
Lo! I come, earth can’t contain me!
    Hail! ye realms of endless day.

4. Swiftly roll, ye lingering hours!
    Seraphs, lend your glitt’ring wings!
Love absorbs my ransom’d powers,
    Heavenly music round me rings.
Worlds of light, and crowns of glory,
    Far above yon azure sky.
Though by faith I now behold you,
    I’ll enjoy you soon on high!

Author: William Williams (1717-1791)
Composer: Unknown
Meter: 8s & 7s
Hesperian Harp: Page 183
Song in the Night: Page 100

(without Nature Sounds)

Time: 2:40
Download: Music (mp3)

2 Comments on Winburne (Great Redeemer)

  1. pp2300 says:

    Thanks Lynda. I did not do the scans, they were done by another fellow in the United States. He purchased my original copy of Hesperian Harp as it had a few pages he was missing from his copy. Then he scanned the whole thing and put up the pages online: Hesperian Harp

    Nevertheless, I’ll save your tip and keep it in mind for future work.

  2. Lynda says:

    Helpful Hint: On the photo of the hymn page “Hesperian Harp: Page 183” you can reduce the bleed through from the backside of any printed page by putting a piece of black paper behind it when scanning it. Of course, it will then require one to use ones “contrast” button to lighten it again.

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