It is an all important truth,
    The Sabbath day is blessed,
But man shows not the least respect,
    For God’s great day of rest.
This is God’s time, His very own,
    It is not man’s to steal,
For pleasure, profit, sport or gain,
    No matter how you feel.

To violate just one command,
    Breaks all of them the ten,
This fact the prophet James declares,
    To all the sons of men.
Yet men will do this wicked thing,
    As if they could evade,
The heavy hand of blighting curse,
    Which on the land is laid.

This leaves us then no option but,
    To keep them all or none.
There is no other place between,
    Naught else that can be done.
Come then and keep God’s Sabbath law,
    And all the other nine,
And on the resurrection day,
    He’ll gladly say, “You’re Mine!”

– Fred Wright, 1969

Fred wrote under this poem: “my first ever”. Therefore we can conclude it was the first poem he attempted to write, or at least the first that he would consider worthy of being called a poem!

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