I Think as a Man1. Oh God, Your ways are higher far
    Than all the faulty ways of man;
Creator of sun, moon, and star,
    And Author of salvation’s plan.

2. We thought You were like heathen gods,
    Or like a childish potentate;
Who struck in anger or destroyed
    At will, the beings You create.

3. But You have taught us, now we know
    A God of love who changes not;
The laws You gave to men below
    Are all expressions of Your thought.

4. We shall not kill, because you don’t;
    We serve not a destroying god;
Your law is in our hearts, we won’t
    Destroy in word, or act, or thought.

5. It’s sin, and only sin, that kills;
    The wages that it pays are death;
But in Your Son, eternal life,
    For all His ways are righteousness.


Instrumental – Sampled Sounds


MP3 – Instrumental PDF PNG

Like the song Satan the Destroyer, God the Restorer, this one is also on the theme of God’s character.

The booklet I Think as a Man is a brief introduction to this theme, and you can download it by clicking on the book cover picture to the right of the song text.

For a more comprehensive treatment of the theme, there is another book available: Behold Your God.


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