It was much that man was made like God before.
But that God, God, God was made like man:
Much, much, much more!


Instrumental – Sampled Sounds


MP3 – Instrumental PDF PNG

Our dear sister from England, Dorothy Woods, who is resting in Jesus now, shared this song with me many years ago. She saw the text written down somewhere and was impressed enough by it to compose a small melody to fit. The text is apparently a line of poetry from John Donne (1572-1631).

The text compares the work of creation to that of redemption. God’s glory, power, and beauty were seen in the unspoiled creation. But then sin entered. The beauty of God’s created works were marred, His glory stolen, his love mistreated. How would He react?

As the history of the Old Testament unfolded, promises, prophecies, and forshadowings were given that pointed to God’s full reply to the sin problem. But when Jesus, the only Son of God, one with the Father, condescended to come in the body of a fallen mortal, in order to uplift the fallen race, an even more beautiful revelation of God’s character was unfolded.

When the Son was then born in a lowly manger, lived a live of poverty, went about ministering life and healing, was mistreated, spat upon, bruised, and crucified, it seemed like the plan for reclaiming the lost creation was over.

But these were the very means by which God’s character of love shone out even brighter. And with the resurrection, the early church went out with a clear understanding of the plan of God for the redemption of the lost world, and proclaimed it boldly.

By the joining of Jesus to the fallen race, man will be lifted up even higher than he would have been had there never been a fall. In the original creation man was made “a little lower than the angels” (Hebrews 2:7). But those who have already passed through the grave and are in heaven now (see Revelation 4 and 5) stand even closer to the throne than the angels.

Jesus Christ, the second Adam, the second father to the human race, brings with Him a higher pedigree than Adam. Adam was a created being, and although he had the ability to reproduce, could only produce children that were like himself. But the Son of God was “without beginning of days or end of life” (Hebrews 7:3), and passes this inheritance to His children.

As the song teaches, it is “much, much, much more!”

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