
practic2300 on March 25th, 2012

1. ‘Tis a gracious invitation from the King;     Will you hear? Will you hear? ‘Tis a message full of kindness that we bring;     Will you hear? Will you hear? Ho! ev’ry one that thirsteth; come you to the water!     Come, come, come, without money and without price! Incline your ear, and come unto Me.     Hear, […]

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practic2300 on February 26th, 2012

1. When the Saviour’s knocking at the door of your heart,     And asking, “Please, may I come in?” When the Saviour’s knocking at the door of your heart,     And asking, “Please, may I come in?” Say, “Yes, yes, yes, Christ come into my heart!     Stay here and never depart.” Say, “Yes, yes, yes, Christ come […]

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