1. See the lovely landscapes which are painted
    On the earth and in the heav’nly skies.
If no tongue will tell us of their Maker,
    Waving grass will speak by gentle breeze;
If all men speak nothing in His favor,
    Rivers speak while running to the seas.

2. Stars will tell us all about His glory;
    Soaring eagle, and the gentle dove.
Sunset fire, in warmth of summer evening
    Opens doors to wonders up above;
Glowing hues speak to the unbelieving
    In the tones of everlasting Love.

3. Ocean depths will tell us of His greatness;
    Thunders, lightnings flashing in the sky;
Pouring rains, and also trembling dewdrops;
    Speaking truths which men cannot deny;
Melting snows which water valley grain crops;
    All will speak of Him who dwells on high.

4. If no tongue will tell us of our Maker,
    All the schools teach nothing of His works;
Birds and beasts become the greatest teachers
    To proclaim His wisdom to the world;
Lowly shrubs are mighty gospel preachers!
    Ev’rywhere, His glory is unfurled.


Instrumental – Sampled Sounds

Instrumental – from Canadian Camp 2006

Congregation – sung in Ukrainian

Male solo – sung in Ukrainian

Female solo – sung in Ukrainian

MP3 – Instrumental (Canadian Camp 2006)
MP3 – Congregation (sung in Ukrainian)
MP3 – Male solo (sung in Ukrainian)
MP3 – Female solo (sung in Ukrainian)

MP3 – Instrumental PDF PNG

This is an english translation of a beautiful Ukrainian hymn that I heard while visiting our church in the Ukraine, around the year 2005.

I was told that the song was originally written during the time of Communist domination, during which it was very dangerous to mention the name of God or sing about Him outside of authorized religious gatherings. Therefore, the hymn was written without ever once mentioning His name, and yet, proclaiming it everywhere by pointing to the power and wisdom in all the created works.

Psalm 19
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.
2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

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